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Silverback Runner

Helping Runners To Be A
Consistent ResilIent Faster Non-Elite Runners.


Suppose you are an older non-elite runner or would be the runner. This site is created for you.

As an non-elite runner, you have to consider three core factors.



If you want to run 10K, 10 miles, half marathon marathon or beyond, you need consistency. You need to run consistently, be that 4, 5, 6 days a week.

You need a consistent focus on what you use to fuel your body’s training and recovery.


To be consistent, you need to be resilient, physically resilient, and mentally resilient to achieve the above consistency.

As an older runner, you have to adapt your training to enable adaption to occur (gains) while not breaking yourself (injury)

You need to build resilience to develop the foundations of running, which are your aerobic base.

You will need to build Strength to become more resilient as you age.

While also having the mental resiliency to be consistent, if not perfect.


Once you have built the foundation of aerobic capacity, you can get faster.

Ultimately you end up running further and faster.

That’s it in a nutshell.

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How Do I Know This?

I am a 57-year-old runner that has run all his adult life. In my 20s and 30s, I surfed on my natural ability and youth.

Trained the minimum, was an ardent drinker of wine 🙂

My diet was pretty much whatever was put in front of me.

And my age and genetics gave me a free pass.

I did ok with my running in my 30s and 40s.

A 19.5 min 5K
I ran a 40 min 10K
I ran a 3.24 marathon.
I ran 10 marathons in 10 days.

Good if not astounding times for a non-elite high drinking minimum training athlete 🙂

Then I hit my late 40s early 50s.

Inconsistent running.
Minor injury niggles started to occur.
Back problems.
I did not have the energy I once had.

You know that feeling you need a nap about 2 pm 🙂

My drinking was becoming habitual, and I was running less and less.

And that’s where it could have ended.

Except for a conversation I had with a friend and fellow runner in my hair salon when I was in my early 50s

He asked me a question…..

When Was Your Peak As A Runner Lee?

That was the question he asked me as I cut his hair. He was one of my fellow runners from our local running club, and he was 20 years younger than me. And we were just chatting about all the things we’ve done in running.

And then he asked the question, When was your peak Lee as a runner?

I hesitated for a moment because even though I was in my 50s at that point, mentally, I had not accepted that I was past my peak.

But I answered the question pragmatically and said, well, probably my 30s, my early 40s.

However, when it left, the conversation kept going through my mind.

When was my peak as a runner?

And then I thought again. What do I want my peak to be?
Perhaps this isn’t my peak?
Perhaps I can get faster?
Perhaps I can get better?

And that started an evolutionary change in my running. I had given up alcohol about three years before that. And now I began to look at my diet and how I trained.

I started to use the fact that the sands of time were now against me as a motivator.

I now started to use the fact that I knew that my peak was behind me if I didn’t do anything. And egotistically, I didn’t want that to be the case.

Yes, I accepted that as I got older, ultimately, I would get slower.

Yes, I accepted that I would never be 22 years old, 32 years old, or even 42 years old again.

But I wanted to see how good a runner I could be in my 50s, my 60s and 70s.

What if those years held some new peaks. Some new PBs?

And this is where we come to now; 57 years old? I am now faster, fitter and a more resilient runner than when I was 35 years old.

What Do You Want Your Peak As A Runner To Be?

running for older runners

So if you are 40, 50, 60 years old or older.

The facts are if you are lucky, you will get older.

Ultimately you will get slower.

However, there is a vast difference between accepting the universal truths of ageing versus a society that passively often convinces people that they are on a downward spiral from 30 years of age.

It’s not in many cases our age that is the factor but our modern-day lifestyles.

So if you want to continue to be an energetic, vibrant person in your 40s and beyond.
And notice I don’t say, runner.

Because for me, running is the pastime that also delivers the potential benefits of a longer life span and a longer healthspan.

A better quality of life in the second stage of our lives is the big picture for me as an older runner.

To be an example to my children, even if they are grown up now. An example of the vibrancy and good health to grandchildren to come.
Of course, there are no guarantees; however, for me, it’s about being the best version of yourself while at the same time making yourself harder to kill 🙂

If you are willing to adapt. Not live like a monk or a nun:)

But adapt your lifestyle to become a better non-elite older runner; you can become a more consistent, more resilient and faster plus more energised, positive and more mentally resilient person in your everyday life.

That’s my bold goal and desire with Silverback Runner.

Let’s Do This


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